[macOS] Moved to Zsh

I finally moved bash to zsh on my macOS. Below is what I did then. I hope my private dev env will work fine.. Add below lines to the top of zprofileMore

Read「Goならわかるシステムプログラミング」 – Golang

I read Goならわかるシステムプログラミング to catch up with Go in system layer. I do not have much experience in Go. Definitely I finished their tutorial, but have not experienced writing their code. Then, I needed to learn golang more to write code in production level. This book helped me to understand golang, especially network stuff, in…More

[bash]pushd/podd, () in bash

Following commands are not only for bash, but you must ensure they can use your target system tho. pushdRemove the top entry from the directory stack, and cd to the new top directory. When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack and performs a cd to the new top directory.…More

A note of reading “A Philosophy of Software Design”

I’ve read “A Philosophy of Software Design“. I expected the book had basic concepts to make software better than design patterns for implementation. As my prediction, the book had good insight to write better software based on their experiences. I would pick some sentences. FB had a motto about “Move fast and break things to…More

Read “Are Your Lights On?”

Are Your Lights On? by Gerald M Weinberg and Donald C Gause. I reread the book since he has gone. The book remembers us we must consider many things and perspectives whenever we face defects, etc. Through the book, below sentences probably stay in your brain. They will remain there. They help you when you…More

Read “Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker”

I read Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker to catch up with Spinnaker and the bases. Recent my profession is mobile, but I have some experience/knowledge of distributed systems since I studied the Byzantine General Problems in my university. And I also has caught up with network/tools/fundamentals associated with it. (Especially testing and monitoring topics.) You can…More

Create a PR to update outdated libraries by script

Updating outdated libraries is important. Longtime outdated libraries probably lead difficult updating libraries. Sometimes they have breaking changes. We can reduce the risk updating libraries frequent and keep them small size. Meanwhile, it’s difficult to catch up with ALL outdated libraries and updating them frequently. Since our works aren’t only updating them. Get outdated libraries…More